Pop-Up Pride Center: Terrific Terrariums
Make a tiny terrarium! All materials provided!
The Commons : The Women's Center 004
Date & Time
December 11, 2024, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Always wanted a plant, but you're too busy to maintain them? We have a simple solution: get fake ones and put them in a jar! Join us in The Women's Center as we make terrariums together! Whether it be a desert sanctuary or a little rainforest, let's get creative!
The Pride Center has moved and is undergoing renovations, so we can't yet invite you to join us there - instead, we're bringing The Pride Center to you! Join i3b for a series of hands-on events led by us, but hosted by other centers across campus. Each event is designed to give you an opportunity to make something to take home with you while building community from afar with new and old friends. All materials will be provided, and snacks will be available!